
Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

The Birthday Post

Today is my Birthday (again)

this is a birthday post on blog, a new one.

it's something like a wishes.
something like a dream i want to reach
a goal i want to set.

for this year my top priority is to find the one that i can rely on
someone who can accept all my weakness and holdin' me on my struggle.

i do not ask for a moon that i can't reach.
but god you know exactly what i need.
he's the one that i ask on my every du'a

Dear Allah let this Rhamadan be my last Ramadhan being single.

i know you has a perfect time for every soul.
and i hope my time will coming as soon.

thankyou for all the blessing all this time.
sorry for being too reckless and asking for too much.